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Chronicles of the Awakening: The Prophetic Journey of Israel's Return

1. The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Beginning of Captivity (70 AD)


Luke 21:20-24, Deuteronomy 28:64-68 

Event: In 70 AD, the Romans destroy Jerusalem, causing the Israelites to flee into various parts of Africa. This begins the fulfillment of the curses of Deuteronomy 28, which includes the Israelites being scattered and taken into captivity. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: The true Israelites (Negroes) are scattered worldwide, especially into Sub-Saharan Africa, fulfilling the prophecy of their exile. The Transatlantic Slave Trade would eventually follow, as foretold by the prophecy of being sent into slavery by ships (Deuteronomy 28:68).


2. The Time of the Gentiles (70 AD - Ongoing)


Luke 21:24, Genesis 9:27 

Event: The Israelites are exiled from their true land in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Gentile nations dominate them and their identity. This period is marked by Gentile nations ruling over the land of sub-Saharan Africa and claiming the identity of the true Israelites. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: This is the beginning of the "time of the Gentiles," during which non-Israelite nations rule over and oppress the true Israelites.


3. The Hunters and the Inquisition (1400s - 1600s)


Jeremiah 16:16 

Event: Yahuah sends hunters to seek out the Israelites wherever they fled. The Inquisition marks a period of hunting and persecution of the Israelites, particularly those who had fled into Africa, Europe, and other parts of the world. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: The Inquisition, where Israelites were hunted down, forced into hiding, or subjected to forced conversions, is a fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy. This hunting of the Israelites prepared the way for their further scattering and oppression.


4. The Rise of False Jews (1600s - 1948)


Revelation 2:9, 3:9 

Event: During this period, the Khazars increasingly claim Israelite identity, leading to the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948. However, these are not the true descendants of the Israelites but part of the "synagogue of Satan." 

Prophetic Fulfillment: This fulfills the prophecy of false Jews who claim to be Israelites but are not. The true Israelites remain scattered around the world, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions of the world, awaiting their regathering.


5. The Height of Israel's Captivity (1619 - 1800s)


Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Psalm 83:2-4

Event: The height of Israel's captivity coincides with the Transatlantic Slave Trade, where millions of Israelites were forcibly scattered across the globe. This scattering began with the Roman Empire's conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD, driving the Israelites into Africa and other regions while concealing their true land and heritage.

Prophetic Fulfillment: The curses outlined in Deuteronomy 28, including enslavement and the loss of identity, culminated during this period. The Romans initiated the scattering, while the Psalm 83:2-4 prophecy, which speaks of nations conspiring to erase Israel’s identity, found further fulfillment in the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885. During this conference, European powers divided Africa for colonization, fulfilling Joel 3:2, where Yahuah’s land was partitioned among foreign nations. This act of division and exploitation obscured the true identity and heritage of the Israelites, reinforcing their oppression and the loss of their homeland.


6. The Awakening of Israel (2015 - Ongoing)


Baruch 2:30, Ezekiel 37:1-14, Isaiah 11:11-12 

Event: Around 2015, the true Israelites (Negroes) begin to awaken to their true identity as the chosen people of Yahuah. This awakening spreads across the world.

Prophetic Fulfillment: The dry bones of Ezekiel 37 begin to come to life, as Israelites regain knowledge of their heritage. This marks the beginning of the regathering process, as the scattered Israelites start realizing their identity.


7. The End of the Time of the Gentiles (Ongoing)


Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25-26 

Event: As the awakening of the true Israelites continues, the time of Gentile rule over Israel is coming to an end. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: The awakening signals the closing of the "time of the Gentiles," preparing for the restoration of Israel. The true Israelites, scattered worldwide, will be regathered to their true land in Sub-Saharan Africa.


8. Judgment on the Nations (Ongoing/Future)


Joel 3:1-2, Zechariah 1:18-21, Isaiah 34:1-8 

Event: As the awakening continues, judgment is poured out on the nations that oppressed the Israelites, especially those involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: The nations that scattered and oppressed the Israelites face judgment. The rise of African nations like Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso pushing back against foreign dominance may represent the fulfillment of the four craftsmen who fight against the nations (horns) that oppressed Israel.


9. The Regathering of Israel (Soon to Come)


Isaiah 11:11-12, Ezekiel 20:33-38, Zephaniah 3:10-12 

Event: Yahuah begins to regather the Israelites from the four corners of the earth.

  Prophetic Fulfillment: The Israelites will be physically regathered to their true land in Sub-Saharan Africa. This event will signal the restoration of Israel. The rebellious Israelites will be purged in the wilderness, similar to the first Exodus (Ezekiel 20:33-38).

10. Gentiles Acknowledge Israel’s Return and Bring Them Back (Future)


Isaiah 60:9-12, Isaiah 66:20 

Event: As the regathering continues, Gentile nations begin to recognize the true identity of Israel and assist in their return to the promised land. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: Gentile nations, particularly those that enslaved and oppressed the Israelites, bring them back to their land, fulfilling Isaiah 60 and 66. This return is accompanied by material wealth and the acknowledgment of Israel as Yahuah’s chosen people.



11. The Purging of Rebellious Israelites (Future)


Ezekiel 20:35-38, Zechariah 13:8-9 

Event: In the wilderness, Yahuah will purge rebellious Israelites who do not follow His commandments. Only the faithful remnant will enter the true promised land. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: Similar to the Exodus, where rebellious Israelites died in the wilderness, Yahuah will again test and purge Israel. Only the faithful remnant will enter the restored land.


12. The Rise of Israel as a World Power (Future)


Isaiah 60:12-22, Micah 4:1-7 

Event: After the regathering and purging, Israel is established as the dominant world power, with other nations subject to them. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: The once-oppressed Israelites now rule the world, and their land is exalted. Nations that do not serve Israel are destroyed, and Israel becomes the center of Yahuah’s kingdom on earth.


13. Judgment on the Nations and Armageddon (Future)


Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 14:1-4, Revelation 16:16 

Event: The final battle of Armageddon takes place, with nations like Gog and Magog (potentially Britain, due to their mythological history with the giants Gog and Magog) attempting to fight against Israel. 

Prophetic Fulfillment: Yahshua the Messiah returns, destroys the armies of Gog and Magog, and establishes Yahuah’s kingdom on earth. This final judgment marks the defeat of all enemies of Israel and the beginning of Yahuah’s eternal reign. While some speculate that Russia is Gog, the connection to Britain’s ancient ties with Gog and Magog makes Britain a possible candidate for Gog as well.

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