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Writer's pictureTayU Yaho

Heavenly Signs and the Awakening of the True Biblical Israelites

The Bible makes it clear that the stars, moon, and heavens are given for signs and seasons, and that these heavenly signs often precede major prophetic events. In Genesis 1:14 (KJV), Yahuah says: "... Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." Thus, heavenly events are not only natural occurrences but also prophetic signs.

The birth of the Messiah, Yahusha, is one of the most prominent examples in the Bible where heavenly signs pointed to a major event. The wise men, or Magi, saw a star rising in the east and knew that the King of the Israelites was to be born. They followed the star to Bethlehem, where they found Yahusha as prophesied (Matthew 2:1-2). The use of the heavens as a marker for significant events is consistent throughout the Bible, showing that Yah uses the stars and other celestial bodies to declare His plans.

In 2015, the great awakening of the true biblical Israelites began. Many who were once unaware of their heritage have rediscovered their identity, realizing that they are the descendants of the biblical Israelites. Today, millions are now aware of who they are, and this awakening fulfills prophecy.

According to the Bible, the true Israelites were prophesied to endure 400 years of captivity (Genesis 15:13). This period of captivity ended in 2019, marking a significant turning point for the true people of Israel. Since 2019, world events have worsened, which is a clear sign of Yah’s judgment upon the nations. Joel 3 warns that the nations will face judgment for what they have done to Yah’s people: "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land" (Joel 3:1-2, NKJV).

The worsening global conditions since 2019 are undeniable evidence of Yah’s judgment on the nations for their treatment of His people. The signs in the heavens, including the blood moon tetrads and other celestial events, confirm the unfolding of prophetic events. Yah continues to use heavenly signs to declare His plans and judgments to the world.

Summary of Heavenly Events with Biblical Feast Days





Biblical Feast Days


Blood Moon #1 (April 15)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. & S. America, Europe, Australia



Blood Moon #2 (October 8)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. America, Pacific, E. Asia, Australia

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)


Blood Moon #3 (April 4)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. & S. America, Asia, Australia



Blood Moon #4 (September 28)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. & S. America, Europe, Africa

Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)


Great American Solar Eclipse (Aug 21)

Total Solar Eclipse X Over USA

U.S. (coast-to-coast), parts of N. America

No feast day


Super Blue Blood Moon (Jan 31)

Supermoon, Blue Moon, Blood Moon

N. America, Pacific, E. Asia

No feast day


Super Blood Wolf Moon (Jan 20-21)

Supermoon, Blood Moon

N. & S. America, Europe, Africa

No feast day


Great Conjunction (Dec 21)

Planetary Conjunction


No feast day


Total Lunar Eclipse (May 26)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

Pacific, N. & S. America, Australia, E. Asia

No feast day


Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse (Nov 19)

Partial Lunar Eclipse

N. & S. America, Australia, E. Asia, Europe

No feast day


Total Lunar Eclipse (May 15-16)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. & S. America, Europe, Africa

No feast day


Total Lunar Eclipse (Nov 8)

Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)

N. America, S. America, Australia, Asia

No feast day


Total Solar Eclipse (Apr 8)

Total Solar Eclipse X Over USA

Mexico, U.S. (Texas to Maine), Canada

No feast day


Asteroid 2024 PT5 (Sept 29 - Nov 25)

Near-Earth Asteroid (Second Moon)

Not visible to naked eye, telescopes required (30+ inches diameter)

No feast day

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