This is why you should read my book, and check out my video titled "Exodus Migration Route To True Jerusalem's River Jordan". Migration Route of the EWE
Settlement in Egypt:
Oral tradition claims the Ewe people were led by an ancestor called „Gu‟ under whose leadership they settled at the delta of the river Nile, in present day Egypt. Other ethnic groups also settled in Egypt then, including the Jews forced by draught in their land of Canaan. There were cultural exchanges among the various people, with groups adopting practices of others with whom they lived in close proximity. The acts of circumcision of male children, pouring of libation learnt via the worship of the SUN-GOD, out-dooring of new born babies, widowhood rites, kingship and burial of kings and chiefs with their personal effects some customary practices adopted by the Ewes from the Egyptians and the Jews. They also learnt the composition of long songs from the Jews.
Settlement in Sudan:
When it became difficult living in Egypt, just as the Jews left under the leadership of Moses, the Ewes also left under a leader Mi and migrated in a south-westerly direction that brought them into the Sudan where they made settlement for a while close to present day Khartoum. The stay there was short due to drought, famine and slave raids by Arab slave traders who preferred black slaves to their own kind, due to their physique and courage. At the time, there were numerous schools in and around Khartoum and some Ewes took advantage of these schools to become great scholars, merchants and farmers.
Settlement in Ethiopia:
The Ewe people decided to leave Sudan, and going southeastwards went into „‟Abyssinia‟‟, the present day Ethiopia. However, the slave raids continued here and some members were captured and sold and were sent to as far away as India to serve in the courts of their kings and queens.
Narrated By Dr. A. Kobla Dotse©
